14 jun 2013

Fat Finger Syndrome Solution Found with Finite Element Analysis

Fat Finger Syndrome Solution Found with Finite Element Analysis 
Samsung employs realistic simulation to design mobile device keypads for fewer typos

by: Soo Hyun Park

Anyone who’s ever typed on a computer keyboard or mobile device keypad has experienced this: While aiming for one letter, you hit a different one on a nearby key. The result? Poor spelling, mangled messaging, an email you never should have sent.

As electronic devices and instrumentation become increasingly compact, the search for a cure for “fat finger syndrome,” as it is known in the industry, is becoming ever more urgent. Flat touch screens operated by pressure sensors may be taking over tablet computers and smart phones, but keypads and keyboards are still widely used in many electronic devices. Desktop computers, laptops, some cell phones, remote controls, and appliances, such as washing machines and dryers, all still rely on the touch of a finger on a spring-loaded key.

At the Global Production Technology Center of Samsung Co., Ltd. in Suwon, Korea, engineers strive to stay ahead of the trends toward tinier keys and denser key layouts with each new model. “We are working to make products both smaller and easier to use,” says Soo Hyun Park, Manufacturing Core Technology Team, Global Production Technology Center at Samsung, “so we want to reduce
the amount of mistyping that can occur on the more compact keypads.”

Samsung engineers decided to delve deeper into the fat finger phenomenon by examining the physics behind keystrokes, finger pressure, and strike angle to determine what can go wrong and how to make it happen less often. “Since keyboards will remain widely in use for the foreseeable future, we will continue to study the physical user interface to better understand the ergonomics of human-device interaction,” says Park. Using Abaqus finite element analysis (FEA), they were able to cut mistyping errors from 35% to 7% with an intermediate prototype model of a QWERTY keypad, so named for the sequence of letters that run left to right on a standard type-key layout.

Realistic simulation of the interaction between human fingertips and device keys enabled Park’s team to identify the variables that lead to mistyping. “By systematically modifying the relevant design parameters, we could see which keypad configurations led to the least number of typing errors,” he says.

Read the full document: Fat Finger Syndrome