29 jun 2013

Boost for Cars or Bust? Ethanol Debate Heats up

Boost for Cars or Bust? Ethanol Debate Heats up
by : Matthew Daly, Associated Press

This photo taken June 20, 2013, shows a sign advertising no ethanol gasoline available at a station in Oklahoma City. A high blend of ethanol gasoline, E15, which contains 5 percent more ethanol than the 10 percent norm sold at most U.S. gas stations, is sold in just 20 stations in six Midwestern states. Sales could spread as the Obama administration considers whether to require more ethanol in gasoline; it's cheaper and cleaner but it could damage older cars and motorcycles. This photo taken June 20, 2013, shows a sign advertising no ethanol gasoline available at a station in Oklahoma City. A high blend of ethanol gasoline, E15, which contains 5 percent more ethanol than the 10 percent norm sold at most U.S. gas stations, is sold in just 20 stations in six Midwestern states. Sales could spread as the Obama administration considers whether to require more ethanol in gasoline; it's cheaper and cleaner but it could damage older cars and motorcycles.It's a dilemma for drivers: Do they choose a gasoline that's cheaper and cleaner even if, as opponents say, it could damage older cars and motorcycles?
That's the peril and promise of a high-ethanol blend of gasoline known as E15. The fuel contains 15 percent ethanol, well above the current 10 percent norm sold at most U.S. gas stations.
The higher ethanol blend is currently sold in just fewer than two dozen stations in the Midwest, but could spread to other regions as the Obama administration considers whether to require more ethanol in gasoline.
As a result, there's a feverish lobbying campaign by both oil and ethanol interests that has spread from Congress to the White House and the Supreme Court.
The American Petroleum Institute, the oil industry's chief lobbying group, has asked the Supreme Court to block sales of E15. The court could decide as soon as Monday whether to hear the ethanol case, which combines similar requests by groups representing refiners and car manufacturers.
Putting fuel with up to 15 percent ethanol into older cars and trucks "could leave millions of consumers with broken down cars and high repair bills," said Bob Greco, a senior API official who has met with the White House on ethanol issues.
The ethanol industry counters that there have been no documented cases of engine breakdowns caused by the high-ethanol blend since limited sales of E15 began last year.
"This is another example of oil companies unnecessarily scaring people, and it's just flat-out wrong," said Bob Dinneen, president of the Renewable Fuels Association, an ethanol industry group.
The dispute over E15 is the latest flashpoint in a long-standing battle over the Renewable Fuel Standard, approved by Congress in 2005 and amended in 2007. The law requires refiners to blend increasing amounts of ethanol into gasoline each year as a way to decrease reliance on fossil fuels and lower greenhouse gas emissions that contribute to global warming.
The Environmental Protection Agency has proposed a 16.5 billion-gallon production requirement for ethanol and other gasoline alternatives this year, up from 15.2 billion gallons last year. By 2022, the law calls for more than double that amount.
This photo taken June 20, 2013 shows a sign advertising pricing for different types of gasoline is pictured at a gas station in Oklahoma City.  (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)This photo taken June 20, 2013 shows a sign advertising pricing for different types of gasoline is pictured at a gas station in Oklahoma City. (AP Photo/Sue Ogrocki)Biofuel advocates and supporters in Congress say the law has helped create more than 400,000 jobs, revitalized rural economies and helped lower foreign oil imports by more than 30 percent while reducing emissions of carbon dioxide and other greenhouse gases.
But the oil industry, refiners and some environmental groups say the standard imposes an unnecessary economic burden on consumers. Using automotive fuel that comes from corn also has significant consequences for agriculture, putting upward pressure on food prices, critics say.
"The ever increasing ethanol mandate has become unsustainable, causing a looming crisis for gasoline consumers," said the API's Greco. "We're at the point where refiners are being pressured to put unsafe levels of ethanol in gasoline, which could damage vehicles, harm consumers and wreak havoc on our economy."
Along with the E15 court case, the API and refiners have swarmed Capitol Hill and the White House to try to have the current mandate waived or repealed.
Charles Drevna, president of the American Fuel & Petrochemical Manufacturers, which represents refineries, accused the EPA of putting politics ahead of science.
An EPA official told Congress earlier this month that the agency does not require use of E15, but believes it is safe for cars built since 2001.
"The government is not saying 'go ahead' " and put E15 in all cars, said Christopher Grundler, of the EPA's director of the office of transportation and air quality. "The government is saying this is legal fuel to sell if the market demands it and there are people who wish to sell it."
Ethanol supporters say E15 is cheaper than conventional gasoline and offers similar mileage to E10, the version that is sold in most U.S. stations.
Scott Zaremba, who owns a chain of gas stations in Kansas, scoffs at claims that E15 would damage older cars. "In the real world I've had zero problems" with engine breakdowns, said Zaremba, whose station in Lawrence, Kan., was the first in the nation to offer E15 last year.
But Zaremba said he had to stop selling the fuel this spring after his gasoline supplier, Phillips 66, told him he could no longer sell the E15 fuel from his regular black fuel hoses. The company said the aim was to distinguish E15 from other gasoline with less ethanol, but Zaremba said the real goal was to discourage use of E15. New pumps cost more than $100,000.
The American Automobile Association, for now, sides with the oil industry. The motoring club says the government should halt sales of E15 until additional testing allows ethanol producers and automakers to agree on which vehicles can safely use E15 while ensuring that consumers are adequately informed of risks.
A spokeswoman for the Alliance of Automobile Manufacturers, which represents 12 major car makers, said E15 gas is more corrosive and the EPA approved it before it could be fully tested.
Older cars were "never designed to use E15," spokeswoman Gloria Bergquist said. Use of the fuel over time could create significant engine problems, she said.
The API cites engine problems discovered during a study it commissioned last year, but the Energy Department called the research flawed and said it included engines with known durability issues.
For now, E15 remains a regional anomaly. About 20 stations currently offer the fuel in Illinois, Iowa, Kansas, Nebraska, South Dakota and Wisconsin.
Shared from: http://www.pddnet.com

25 jun 2013

"Primavera", primer vehículo solar colombiano

"Primavera", primer vehículo solar colombiano

¡Vehículos solares!. Construyen el primer vehículo solar en Colombia, bautizado con el nombre de "Primavera". (Archivo).
Construyen el primer vehículo solar en Colombia, bautizado con el nombre de "Primavera". (Archivo).

El primer vehículo solar construido en Colombia, bautizado con el nombre de "Primavera" y diseñado para desplazarse a una velocidad promedio de 100 kilómetros por hora, está listo para atravesar en octubre próximo el gran desierto de Australia.

Esta maravilla de la ingeniería participará en el World Solar Challenge de Australia, pero antes recorrerá en pruebas las carreteras del departamento colombiano de Antioquia (noroeste), donde las 42 personas que lo han desarrollado en los talleres de la Universidad EAFIT de Medellín comenzarán los ensayos en julio.
Con 1,70 metros de ancho, 4,5 metros de largo, 1,10 metros de altura, 350 kilos de peso y 1.600 celdas solares, "Primavera" puede llegar a alcanzar la velocidad máxima de 120 kilómetros por hora, aseguraron a la agencia Colombia.inn los desarrolladores de este vehículo.

"Es el resultado de la pasión de un grupo que creyó que sí era posible innovar", afirmó Jorge Andrés Barrera, líder del equipo constituido, además, por dos profesores de ingeniería, once investigadores y 28 estudiantes.

Tras las pruebas, "Primavera" recorrerá los 3.000 kilómetros que separan las ciudades australianas de Darwin y Adelaida, donde se comprobará el ingenio de este colectivo que ha logrado "desarrollar corte de celdas solares, que no existía en Colombia, y una soldadura que es de calidad aeroespacial", explicó Barrera.

El reto ha sido "romper paradigmas, quitarnos el lastre de que solo en naciones avanzadas se puede tener tecnología", apuntó, por su lado, Jorge Vélez, subdirector de Investigación y Desarrollo de Negocios de Energía de las Empresas Públicas de Medellín (EPM), una de las compañías que colabora en la iniciativa.

"Demostraremos que supimos apropiar la tecnología de punta que se necesita para elaborar el carro, entenderla y poder hacer uso de ella en nuestro entorno", expuso, a su turno, Ricardo Mejía, profesor e investigador de la EAFIT.

Además, este vehículo ahorra hasta el 70 % de energía gracias a su diseño aerodinámico.

Una vez superadas las dificultades halladas en el proceso, que van desde "la consecución de los materiales hasta la complejidad para realizar manufactura con la precisión que se requería", ahora el equipo afronta los desafíos logísticos, según Barrera.

En agosto, detalló Mejía, comenzará el gran viaje a Australia, donde la "meta es tener una participación digna", y para ello "se está diseñando un tráiler con el objetivo de llevar a 'Primavera', y los repuestos y componentes que se necesitan", e incluso "se analizan las posibilidades de transporte aéreo".

Los creadores de "Primavera" formarán parte de uno de los 47 equipos que disputarán la carrera australiana, a la que concurrirán vehículos de 26 países.

Y será el cuarto concursante latinoamericano en la historia del World Solar Challenge, evento creado en 1987, tras la participación de carros de este tipo de Chile, Brasil y Venezuela.

Los emprendedores antioqueños ya celebran el premio más allá de los resultados de la competencia por "la gran cantidad de conocimiento" adquirido, ya que, según Vélez, "permitirá aplicar estas experiencias en soluciones energéticas eficientes".

Lo que viene ahora, señaló Barrera, "es pensar en proyectos de mayor innovación", y en el caso de "Primavera", que se ha diseñado exclusivamente para recorrer el desierto australiano, su futuro radica en que "algunas de sus partes estén en carreras que se harán en los siguientes dos años".

Sin aún haber pisado tierras australianas y mientras sus creadores ajustan detalles, lo que está claro es que "Primavera" ya se ha convertido en el sol naciente de la tecnología colombiana.

Compartido del sitio: http://www.dinero.com

24 jun 2013

'Saving' the Next Generation of Manufacturing Workers

'Saving' the Next Generation of Manufacturing Workers
By: Joel Hans, Managing Editor, Manufacturing.net

When it comes to the monumental task of training another generation of manufacturing employees, armed with the high-tech skills that the technology-heavy processes of the future will require, it’s easy to come down hard on the educational system. There are some basic tropes: guidance counselors push all students toward an undergraduate degree; shop classes are being shuttered; educators aren’t as focused or driven as they used to be, or that they’re over/underpaid, depending on who’s talking; the current system only seeks to help students achieve on standardized tests. There are more, but the point is that many people believe there are fundamental problems with America’s current educational system.
And they’re right. There are problems — no point in arguing otherwise. But I think educators often get unfairly blamed as the catalyst for the problems our educational system is currently dealing with. In my opinion, good educators are just about the only positive the system has left. And yes, there are bad educators, just like there are bad maintenance technicians or bad managers, but that shouldn’t detract from those who care and who work hard despite the poor infrastructure to help students get the education they need.
National Instruments, the Austin, Texas-based maker of equipment and software for engineers in a variety of industries, has been leading a nationwide effort to highlight just how important good educators are to the educational system. Their new guidebook, titled “Saving the World One Student at a Time,” aims to showcase, primarily, “the moment [educators] progressed from inspiring individual students to inspiring entire classrooms full of them.”
All of the stories are remarkable in their own rights, but some educators — such as Dave Barrett, a professor of mechanical engineering and Olin College — have gone above and beyond their call to change old paradigms in order to help better educate a generation of students that simply don’t learn the same way as previous generations have. That’s exactly what Barrett found, and then set about fixing it.
Read the full document at: http://www.manufacturing.net

18 jun 2013

Recursos necesarios para el establecimiento del proceso de diseño y desarrollo


Recursos necesarios para el establecimiento del proceso de diseño y desarrollo

 Equivocadamente en la academia y aún en la industria se ha generalizado la creencia de que el saber “manejar” aplicaciones tipo CAD y CAE es sinónimo de saber diseñar (ser diseñador), hay que hacer claridad que esto no es en general cierto; el software es solo una herramienta que puede hacer más eficiente el ejercicio del diseño, pero se requieren conocimientos de ingeniería y de diseño, experiencia y algo de arte (si así se puede llamar) para ser un diseñador. Para hacer más evidente la diferencia entre un “CAD Jockey” y un ingeniero o diseñador, en mis clases de diseño reto a mis estudiantes al indicarles que aún la secretaria de la facultad, que no tiene formación en ingeniería, podría realizar el análisis de un eje sometido a cualquier tipo de cargas, si yo me aseguro de dejarle las instrucciones correctas para el ingreso de la información al software CAD-CAE; ella sencillamente sería una “manejadora” de una herramienta, yo por el contrario como ingeniero-diseñador, debería saber claramente porque requiero el análisis, porqué ingresé el tipo de cargas seleccionado, porque le indiqué que ingresara las restricciones que le dije, porque le indiqué que realizara ese tipo de análisis y aún más importante debo saber qué hacer con los resultados.

Desde un punto de vista general, el papel principal de un diseñador es la toma de decisiones, son las decisiones las que ayudan a “saltar el abismo” que existe entre las ideas y la realidad; estas decisiones están ligadas íntimamente a los mismos diseñadores: su experiencia diseñando y aun desarrollando otras actividades propias de la ingeniería, sus conocimientos técnicos, su manejo de información, su pensamiento creativo y su capacidad de trabajo en equipo. En este orden de ideas son más importantes los recursos humanos (las personas) que los recursos técnicos y de software y hardware; evidentemente ya no se puede seguir diseñando como se hacía unos años atrás; se requieren algunas herramientas (hardware y software) para potenciar las capacidades de los diseñadores, y de esta manera hacer más eficiente y eficaz el ejercicio del diseño y de la presentación de los resultados, para hacer frente a la competencia y a un mercado globalizado.

Recursos humanos

Es práctica común en las pequeñas y medianas empresas del sector metalmecánico, cuando requieren implementar nuevos departamentos o ejecutar nuevas actividades, tomar el recurso humano requerido del personal disponible actualmente en la empresa. Esta no siempre es una buena práctica ya que a pesar de las ventajas que puede suponer el conocer las capacidades técnicas, la actitud y aptitud de la persona, puede darse el caso de que éste no posea las características adecuadas para ejecutar las actividades propias del nuevo cargo. Yo sugiero utilizar un proceso de selección estructurado y específico para realizar la evaluación apropiada de las personas que integrarán el departamento de diseño y desarrollo naciente, entre los evaluados, por supuesto, pueden estar personas actualmente vinculadas a la empresa. Si la empresa ya cuenta con un departamento de dibujo que presta sus servicios al aparato productivo, las personas pertenecientes a este departamento serían en un principio absorbidas por el nuevo departamento. En todo caso lo primero que se requiere es la selección de un jefe del departamento; bien sea que el cargo se etiquete como jefe, gerente, coordinador o como quiera denominarse, éste será el encargado de estructurar, implementar, dirigir, gestionar, mantener y proyectar el departamento o proceso de diseño y desarrollo en la empresa.

Lo primero que debe hacerse entonces, es la incorporación de un Ingeniero con formación en diseño y amplia experiencia en el manejo y ejecución de proyectos de diseño de máquinas para que se desempeñe como jefe del departamento; en este libro se le denominará coordinador del proceso, entendiendo que esa será su mayor responsabilidad.

En la próxima entrega, hablaré sobre las características y responsabilidades del coordinador de diseño.

Giovanni Torres (c) 2013

14 jun 2013

Fat Finger Syndrome Solution Found with Finite Element Analysis

Fat Finger Syndrome Solution Found with Finite Element Analysis 
Samsung employs realistic simulation to design mobile device keypads for fewer typos

by: Soo Hyun Park

Anyone who’s ever typed on a computer keyboard or mobile device keypad has experienced this: While aiming for one letter, you hit a different one on a nearby key. The result? Poor spelling, mangled messaging, an email you never should have sent.

As electronic devices and instrumentation become increasingly compact, the search for a cure for “fat finger syndrome,” as it is known in the industry, is becoming ever more urgent. Flat touch screens operated by pressure sensors may be taking over tablet computers and smart phones, but keypads and keyboards are still widely used in many electronic devices. Desktop computers, laptops, some cell phones, remote controls, and appliances, such as washing machines and dryers, all still rely on the touch of a finger on a spring-loaded key.

At the Global Production Technology Center of Samsung Co., Ltd. in Suwon, Korea, engineers strive to stay ahead of the trends toward tinier keys and denser key layouts with each new model. “We are working to make products both smaller and easier to use,” says Soo Hyun Park, Manufacturing Core Technology Team, Global Production Technology Center at Samsung, “so we want to reduce
the amount of mistyping that can occur on the more compact keypads.”

Samsung engineers decided to delve deeper into the fat finger phenomenon by examining the physics behind keystrokes, finger pressure, and strike angle to determine what can go wrong and how to make it happen less often. “Since keyboards will remain widely in use for the foreseeable future, we will continue to study the physical user interface to better understand the ergonomics of human-device interaction,” says Park. Using Abaqus finite element analysis (FEA), they were able to cut mistyping errors from 35% to 7% with an intermediate prototype model of a QWERTY keypad, so named for the sequence of letters that run left to right on a standard type-key layout.

Realistic simulation of the interaction between human fingertips and device keys enabled Park’s team to identify the variables that lead to mistyping. “By systematically modifying the relevant design parameters, we could see which keypad configurations led to the least number of typing errors,” he says.

Read the full document: Fat Finger Syndrome

12 jun 2013

Top 5 Design Tools of the Week

Top 5 Design Tools of the Week

by Melissa Fassbender, Associate Editor, PD&D


New 3D Scanner
The Artec Spider is an affordable, precise 3D scanner designed for CAD users.
  • It scans with accuracy of up to 30 microns and resolution of up to 100 microns.
  • It easily reconstructs thin ridges, sharp edges, and shiny objects.
  • It weighs less than a kilo and captures up to 7.5 frames per second.
  • It uses one USB port to a connect to a PC and requires no complicated calibration procedures or markers.
The company envisions this scanner on the desk of every engineer, product designer and inventor around the world. So it is light-weight, easy to use, and doesn’t have the limitations of previous 3D scanners which had trouble reconstructing sharp edges and shiny or black objects.

Starter Kit Accelerates Software Development
The DesignWare ARC EM Starter Kit has been designed to accelerate software development.
The starter kit is ready to use out of the box, so you can get a right to writing and debugging code and doing system analysis for ARC EM4 and EM6 processors. The kit is includes:
  • A base board with a Xilinx Spartan FPGA module.
  • Pre-installed FPGA images of the ARC EM4 and ARC EM6 processors with peripherals.
  • A 4-channel 12-bit A/D converter.
  • 128 MB DDR3 and 16 MB flash memory.
  • USB interface and SD card slot.
  • Pushbuttons, DIP switches, lots of connectors (Digilent Pmod Compatible).
The starter kit also incorporates a broad support package.

The HYREL 3D Printer
This 3D printer is brining childhood dreams to life with its ability to print Play-Doh, among other materials (listed below). The HYREL 3D printer uses various interchangeable, hot-swappable, extruders to print:
  • Acrylonitrile Butadiene Styrene (ABS)
  • Polylactic Acid (PLA)
  • Clay, Air-Dry
  • Clay, Plasticine
Every HYREL 3D ENGINE model printer comes with the following features standard:
  • An 8 x 8 x 8" (200 x 200 x 200 mm) build area.
  • Robust, all-metal chassis, powder-coated and anodized for durability and longevity.
  • Precision linear slide rails, rated to 20,000 km each before the first manufacturer-suggested lubrication.
  • Solid electronics, utilizing a 150 Mhz+ microprocessor.
  • CANBUS built into our custom electronics for auto-syncing with the Interchangeable Hot-Swappable Hot-Head Extruders.
Programmable USB2 Controller Hubs
Seven New ICs Also Provide Advanced Battery Charging and I/O Bridging to Multiple Serial Protocols for Designers of PCs, Mobile Devices, Docking Stations, and Monitors
Microchip Technology has announced the expansion of the USB2 Controller Hub portfolio it gained from the recent SMSC acquisition. The 7 new UCH2 ICs across 3 families are the world’s first to provide programmability, enabling the developers of PCs and mobile devices to configure their designs without external memory. Features include:
  • Support both USB2 and USB High Speed Interchip (HSIC) connectivity.
  • A maximum battery life via low-power modes such as Link Power Management (LPM).
Development Board for Xtrinsic sensors
Newark element14 has announced the launch of its multi MEMS development board for Xtrinsic sensors, a low cost enablement solution that allows designers to easily understand and test the latest sensing technologies with a next generation accelerometer, pressure sensor, and a magnetometer to measure motion, altitude or pressure, detect magnetic fields, and determine physical position.
Key features of the multi MEMS development board for Xtrinsic sensors include:
  • Xtrinsic MPL3115 high-precision pressure sensor
  • Xtrinsic MAG3110 low-power 3D magnetometer
  • Xtrinsic MMA8491Q 3-axis digital accelerometer
  • FRDM-KL25Z Freescale Freedom Development Platform:
    • ARM Cortex-M0+ MCU, up to 48 MHz
    • 128 KB Flash, 16 KB SRAM
Shared from: http://www.pddnet.com/

11 jun 2013

Convocatoria Pública de Provisión de Cargos Docentes

Convocatoria Pública de Provisión de Cargos Docentes

La Vicerrectoría Académica de la Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira llama a los docentes interesados en participar del Concurso Público para la Provisión de Cargos de Docente de tiempo completo y planta, en las Facultades de: Bellas Artes, Ciencias Ambientales, Ciencias Básicas,  Ciencias de la Educación, Ciencias de la Salud, Ingeniería Mecánica, Ingeniería Industrial, Ingenierías,  Tecnología, a que consulten cada una de esta convocatorias en el siguiente enlace:

Convocatoria Docente- Universidad Tecnológica de Pereira 2013

4 jun 2013

Robotic dragonfly takes flight

Robotic dragonfly takes flight

A small and ultralight UAV developed by engineers at Festo, Esslingen, Germany, reportedly can match the highly complex flight capabilities of a dragonfly. Called the BionicOpter, the robotic insect can fly in any direction — even backwards — turn and accelerate quickly, hover, and glide without beating its wings. It’s said to be the first aircraft that flies like a helicopter, plane, and glider.
The BionicOpter can fly forward, backward, hover, and glide.
The BionicOpter’s lightweight construction, tight integration of components, advanced controls, and ability to move each of its four wings independently all contribute to its extreme maneuverability. The bionic dragonfly has a 63-cm wingspan, is 44-cm long, and weighs just 175 gm. The wings’ carbon-fiber frame is covered with polyester foil. The structure is made of flexible polyamide and deep-drawn ABS terpolymer that’s sturdy, but flexible and ultralight. And its small rib cage houses a 7.6-V LiPo battery, nine servomotors, and a high-performance ARM microcontroller, along with inertia, acceleration, and position sensors, wireless-communication modules, and other mechanisms.
A motor in the bottom of the housing drives the four wings at a common beat frequency, which is adjustable between 15 and 20 Hz. Like a real dragonfly, the
BionicOpter’s wings can turn from horizontal to vertical. For this, servomotors individually twist each wing up to 90°.
Four motors at the wing joints control flapping amplitudes. Linear movement in the wing root adjusts a crank mechanism to vary the deflection between approximately 80° and 130°.
Movements by the head and tail provide fine control. The dragonfly body is fitted with four flexible "muscles" made of Nitinol — a shape-memory alloy (SMA) that contracts when heated and expands when cooled. Passing an electric current through the SMAs creates ultralight actuators that move the head horizontally and the tail vertically.
The dragonfly’s direction and speed are controlled with a smartphone.
Software controls flapping frequency and twisting of the individual wings. Swiveling the wings determines thrust direction, and an amplitude controller regulates thrust intensity. The combination of the two lets the dragonfly hover, move backwards, and transition smoothly from hovering to forward flight. And unlike a helicopter, the dragonfly does not need to tilt to generate forward thrust. This means that it can fly horizontally as well as float like a glider.
To correct for any vibrations and ensure stable flight, data on position and wing twist are continuously evaluated in real time as the dragonfly flies. Inertia sensors measure the acceleration and tilting angle of the BionicOpter in space, while position and acceleration sensors detect speed and spatial direction.
Despite its complexity, the aircraft is controlled with a smartphone or digital transmitter. The pilot inputs direction and speed, and an onboard microcontroller calculates operating requirements based on recorded flight data and sends commands to servomotors and actuators. 

Read the full post at: http://machinedesign.com