29 abr 2013

Aluminium car wheels: Manufacturing, materials & design considerations

Aluminium car wheels: Manufacturing, materials & design considerations

by: GarethW

Here are some notes on car wheels that we put together a few years ago as part of a university project. These notes give some insight into the history, manufacturing processes, materials and design considerations relating to car wheels.

1. History
The first light-alloy sheet wheels were used in Daimler-Benz and Auto-Union racing cars in the 1930s. In the 1960s, Porsche began the batch production of sheet wheels, which consisted of a wheel rim and nave. The first high-volume production of sheet wheels in Europe started in 1979 for Daimler-Benz cars destined for the USA.

Through further development of the production process for wheel rims and naves, the manufacturing costs were reduced markedly so that an aluminium sheet wheel has been produced in large numbers for the BMW 5 Series since 1995

Using aluminium wheels on passenger cars began with the upper class or flagships models in order to give them a distinctive personal touch.

Mainly cast at this time, they started in the 1970s to be factory-fitted to mass-produced cars.

Wheels are now representing about 15% of the average aluminium content in passenger cars and light trucks, and if the main motivation has been styling with mainly cast solutions, weight reduction requirements have lead to the development of more technical cast but also forged and fabricated solutions.

These components have, however, critical safety functions and must meet high standards of design, engineering and workmanship.

Fig.1: Example of an aluminium alloy wheel

2. Design/material selection considerations
Structural stiffness (design dependent) is the basic value to consider when designing an aluminium wheel to achieve at least the same vehicle behaviour as with an equivalent steel wheel.However, material stiffness (Young's modulus) is very little depending on alloy and temper.

Static behaviour
Yield strength is considered to avoid deformation under maximal axial efforts (accelerations and braking) and radial ones (plus turning). Misuse cases are considered in relation to tensile strength. Yield tests under pressure are also conducted to check this behaviour.

Fatigue behaviour
This is the most important parameter for dimensioning. Finite element software is systematically used during design. Service stresses are considered, including multi-axial stresses as of recently. Rotary bending and rim rolling tests are used to verify these calculations.

24 abr 2013

Want to win $250,000?

Want to win $250,000?

Built a lightweight helicopter, pedal hard, and hover for 60 seconds. If that sounds easy, consider that no one has claimed the Sikorsky Prize in 32 years. But two teams are very, very close. 

Two Teams, One Dream: The Human-Powered Helicopter

Read more: 
Want to win $250,000 ?

23 abr 2013

Introduction Video on 3D Printing

Introduction Video on 3D Printing

3D printing is an amazing technology, and has been used since a while back, Its advancing rapidly and has a promising future. One of the most attractive fields of application may be the ability to print spare parts quickly and relatively inexpensively; also can have many different creative uses.

Giovanni Torres

20 abr 2013

MITOpenCourseware: Product Design and Development

Although this course was introduced in 2006, addresses all the concepts and techniques required for the design of products.

MITOpenCourseware: Product Design and Development


MIT Course Number:     15.783J / 2.739J

As Taught In:    Spring 2006

Level:  Graduate

Course Description

Product Design and Development is a project-based course that covers modern tools and methods for product design and development. The cornerstone is a project in which teams of management, engineering, and industrial design students conceive, design and prototype a physical product. Class sessions are conducted in workshop mode and employ cases and hands-on exercises to reinforce the key ideas. Topics include identifying customer needs, concept generation, product architecture, industrial design, and design-for-manufacturing.

Follow this link: Product Design and Development

18 abr 2013



En Colombia y en general en todos los países en vía de desarrollo a nivel mundial, más del 95% de la producción está en manos de las pequeñas y medianas empresas – algunas de estas son también empresas familiares; en el ambiente actual de apertura, de globalización y de tratados de libre comercio, aquellas empresas que no se tecnifiquen y que no evolucionen, estarían condenadas a desaparecer. Es importante sin embargo puntualizar que, la inserción en la economía mundial no lleva automáticamente a elevar la productividad de una nación ni a reestructurar su economía; estos cambios requieren movilizar capital, empleo, tecnología y conocimiento; por lo tanto, se debe establecer una estrategia para aprovechar al máximo las oportunidades que ofrecen los acuerdos comerciales y mitigar los riesgos que pueden eventualmente enfrentar las regiones y sectores menos preparados. No se trata simplemente de la importación e introducción y apropiación mecánica de conocimientos y habilidades provenientes del exterior si no de la generación de un conocimiento y desarrollos propios acompañados por supuesto de una carga crítica de actitudes innovadoras, talentos, capacidades creadoras, así como el correspondiente reconocimiento social de las actividades científicas y tecnológicas.

En el entorno de los países en desarrollo, la tecnificación está íntimamente ligada a la importación de los recursos tecnológicos.  Las grandes empresas, generalmente multinacionales, pueden adquirir y actualizar fácilmente su aparato productivo debido a su capacidad de gestionar recursos financieros, por lo que podrían afrontar de manera apropiada los cambios en los mercados; por el contrario la actualización tecnológica en las PYMES es más complicada de realizar, debido a la a veces escasa gestión de conocimiento y tecnología y a los escasos recursos y su capacidad de negociación. En este sentido, en el ámbito de la actualización, compra y mantenimiento de la maquinaria, los empresarios y administradores de las empresas tipo PYME se ven frente a tres dificultades importantes:
1.      El costo de adquisición de maquinaria nueva
2.      La adaptación y/o reconversión de las máquinas al medio local o las condiciones cambiantes del entorno
3.      La operación y el mantenimiento de los equipos adquiridos

Una posible alternativa para estas pequeñas y medianas empresas es la contratación de soluciones de ingeniería locales, es decir aquellas empresas en el ámbito regional que desarrollen máquinas, equipos y procesos que puedan ser producidos y mantenidos con los recursos humanos y técnicos que se consigan localmente. Si la interface entre la PYME y la empresa de ingeniería local es apropiada, los problemas mencionados pueden ser menos traumáticos, toda vez que los cambios, la operación y el mantenimiento de los equipos se puedan realizar de una manera ágil y con costos directos e indirectos (sobre la producción) más bajos que si tuvieran que hacerse a equipos de procedencia externa. Además de una muy segura ventaja económica en la adquisición y mantenimiento de las máquinas y los  equipos, estaría la personalización de estas soluciones, es decir que éstas soluciones estarían diseñadas para las necesidades específicas del cliente. En cuanto a las ventajas para las empresas proveedoras locales, estarían la generación y apropiación de habilidades y conocimientos, y el establecimiento de líneas de desarrollo diferenciadoras en su sector.

En Colombia y seguramente en la mayoría de los países en vía de desarrollo no existen los suficientes proveedores del servicio de diseño y desarrollo de equipos a pedido que atiendan a las PYMES. Por el contrario hay muchas empresas del tipo metalmecánico que realizan actividades de mantenimiento correctivo a equipos y máquinas, algunas de ellas se aventuran a hacer máquinas pero al hacerlo de una manera poco estructurada, los resultados que obtienen  a veces no son los apropiados y las conducen a  pérdidas económicas y al cierre de la línea insipiente de diseño de máquinas. 

En futuras contribuciones, hablaré sobre los requerimientos y la metodología para planear, implementar y asegurar bajo norma ISO 9000, un departamento de diseño y desarrollo de máquinas y equipos en empresas metalmecánicas. 

Giovanni Torres

12 abr 2013

10 Technological Inventions That We Might Be Using in 2030

10 Technological Inventions That We Might Be Using in 2030  (by http://www.designbuzz.com)

We have always dreamt of the impossible when we see ourselves 15-20 years from now.  Technological inventions and innovations are increasing exponentially with new hi-tech gadgets being rolled out every few months, hence a decade or down the line, we would be using gadgets that would entirely redefine our lives.  Here is what would be ‘in vogue’ in the year 2030:
  • Linking dreams with pillows
In 2030 we might be able to monitor the brain’s electrical signals through special conducting fibers within the pillow’s fabric.  Not only will we be able to find out when the person next to us is dreaming, but we might also be able to determine what all they are dreaming of.  This cool technology might also make two people share their dreams, if they are in the state of dreaming, and to make things more interactive- they might be able to be present in each other’s dreams!

  • Brain linked to the computer to share ‘consciousness’
With this technology we might be able link our brain to the computer and share each other’s consciousness by benefitting one another.  The computer would be able to gain a human touch out of this, while the human would become as smart as a computer.  This link would also enable us to share our experiences, memories and feelings with other people, creating a new benchmark for online intimacy.  However, this technology might have its downside too- hence precautions are mandatory!

  • Extraordinary contact lenses
These contact lenses are very much similar in appearance to regular contacts, however, they are composed of three microscopic lasers along with a micro-mirror that would create high resolution pictures on your retina and you can actually see your media streaming in right in front of you just like a complete 3D movie.  With this, you could read messages, watch videos and movies without having to open your eyes!

  • Video-enabled tattoos
Now this one is for those tattoo-enthusiasts who have to go through excruciated pain to get themselves tattooed, and if the tattoo job has been poorly done, then that is something that you have to live with unless you opt for a medical procedure.  However, with a video tattoo, things would be simpler, these electronic ....

Read the full article in: http://www.designbuzz.com

8 abr 2013

The Turk - Chess playing automaton robot model.

The Turk - Chess playing automaton robot model.

To impress the Austrian Court of Empress Maria, Wolfgang von Kempelen, designed an ingenious chess playing mechanical device in 1770. The machine consisted of a cabinet with a chess board on top, doors that concealed brass cogs and gears, with a carved torso dressed up like a Turkish man attached to the back of the construction as it faced the audience. One of the turban wearing dummy's arms was moveable and the hand was of course able to pick up and move the chess pieces. It came to be known as 'the Turk' and exhibition chess matches against a host of challengers made it one of the most popular and enduring automaton shows of the 18th and 19th centuries.

The Turk first dazzled the court of the empress Maria Theresa in Vienna. The machine moved its own pieces, and would instantly recognize illegal moves by its opponent. It offered a surprisingly good game of chess! The automaton soon became a sensation, toured Europe and North America, and was matched against some of the best chess players of the time. It lost some games, but won surprisingly many. The Turk remained popular after its inventor’s death, even playing games against Napoleon Bonaparte and Benjamin Franklin.The secret of the Mechanical Turk was kept for over 50 years – the machine was an elaborate illusion, and contained an ingeniously hidden compartment that housed a human operator. This hidden chess master could observe the position on the chessboard above, and manipulate the movements of the Turk.

copper engaving The Mechanical Turk
The internal design included false clockwork pieces that moved in concert with the hidden operator's (a chess master) seat movement and helped him stay concealed - he moved around to avoid detection when the host (Kempelen in the beginning) opened doors and invited the audience to peer through to the other side - creating the illusion of a humanless automaton. Magnetic chess pieces allowed the board layout to be seen by a simple reciprocal system inside; ventilation pipes provided air for the operator and other pipes diverted candle smoke out through the Turk (who also smoked a pipe). A pegboard laid out the chessboard inside the cabinet and pantographic controls (a dual, fixed movement system, often used for drawing - see computer schematic above) worked the arm and hand on the main chessboard, moving chess pieces around as pegs were moved inside by the chess master/operator. There is more to it obviously but this was the basic set-up.

The secret of the Mechanical Turk was kept for over 50 years – the machine was an elaborate illusion, and contained an ingeniously hidden compartment that housed a human operator. This hidden chess master could observe the position on the chessboard above, and manipulate the movements of the Turk.
The original Turk was destroyed in a fire, but some of its parts survived. It was reconstructed in 1984 – however, at this time a hidden human operator was no longer necessary. The present incarnation of the Turk is truly autonomous, its moves guided by a chess-playing computer.

5 abr 2013

The engineering and design move the world

The engineering and design move the world

This video shows some designs, these designs combine creativity, industrial design and utility. Although these designs may seem crazy, actually not so.
The engineering and design move the world !!!!!