Although this course was introduced in 2006, addresses all the concepts and techniques required for the design of products.
MITOpenCourseware: Product Design and Development
Prof. Matthew Kressy
Prof. Steven Eppinger
Prof. Thomas Roemer
Prof. Warren Seering
MIT Course Number: 15.783J / 2.739J
As Taught In: Spring 2006
Level: Graduate
Course Description
Product Design and Development is a project-based course that covers modern tools and methods for product design and development. The cornerstone is a project in which teams of management, engineering, and industrial design students conceive, design and prototype a physical product. Class sessions are conducted in workshop mode and employ cases and hands-on exercises to reinforce the key ideas. Topics include identifying customer needs, concept generation, product architecture, industrial design, and design-for-manufacturing.Follow this link: Product Design and Development